National Tikkun Olam Steering Group
Dara Lithwick (she/her/ hers), Chair, Temple Israel, Ottawa
Pekka Sinervo (he/him), Temple Emanu-El, Toronto
Rebecca Chess (they/them), Temple Shalom, Winnipeg and Hebrew Union College-Institute of Religion
Kim Werker (she/her/hers), Temple Sholom, Vancouver
Sara Charney, (she/her), President, Women of Reform Judaism (WRJ)
Jordan Helfman, Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto
Daniel Abramson (he/him), Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto
Nadine Levinstein-Rodriguez (they/them), Temple B'nai Tikvah, Calgary
Barbara Weinstein (she/her/hers), Director on Social Action of Reform Judaism and Associate Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism
Jamie Reich (she/her/hers), Temple Sinai, Toronto
Shauna Van Praagh, Temple Emanu-El-Beth Sholom, Montreal
Peter Driftmier (he/him), B’nai Tikvah, Calgary
Lilah Petersiel (they/them), Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto